When the adidas Crazy IIInfinity sneakers first arrived on the scene, they were met with awe and revile in equal measure. While some loved the moulded, futuristic look, others hilariously compared the sneakers to toasters and other cookware. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, the adidas sneakers have always remained in the public eye and have their fair share of love. Custom sneaker artist Trevor Duffles is one of those fans who love the futuristic look and decided to elevate the pair by turning them into authentic futuristic sneakers, giving them a gorgeous Cyberpunk-inspired spin. Let’s take a look at the adidas Cyberpunk Crazy IIInfinity sneakers.
Cyberpunk Adidas Crazy IIInfinity Sneakers

Reading the name of these sneakers, the adidas Cyberpunk Crazy IIInfinity sneakers, and given our pop culture climate, you might assume that they are inspired by the popular video game universe Cyberpunk 2077. That wasn’t the case, however, as artist @tduffles202 chose a much broader inspiration for these sneakers, using the gorgeous retro-futuristic artistic genre of Cyberpunk.
Keeping all of the usual design aspects of the adidas Crazy IIInfinity sneakers, the alterations to the sneakers are primarily aesthetic.
Most sneakers have been darkened, starting from the rubber outsole, to give them an industrial, futuristic look. The moulded, synthetic upper is the perfect template for this concept. Each upper segment has been painted to give the sneakers a futuristic look, with elements and incredibly sophisticated artistic techniques used to make the sneakers look like they have a glow from within.

This glow comes with a gorgeous orange strip on the outsole, the green flow from the heel that looks like a dirt-covered light embedded within the heel, and the rim of the upper being modified to look like a strip of filament lighting.
Elements of the sneakers have been changed to look like weathered metal, like the triple stripes logo on the side of the moulded upper, which looks like panels riveted onto the sneakers.
The textile lining, lace closure, and breathable upper are left alone, save for a few aesthetic touches. These touches include a few paint brushes that appear airbrushed or dry-brushed onto the breathable upper and the rim of the upper. A subtle futuristic detail has also been added to the sneakers’ tongue label.

Modified to look lived-in and weathered to look like they have dirt and scuffs, these sneakers evoke the look of an adventurous life in an LED and Neon-Lit cyberpunk world. These sneakers are a gorgeous representation of the cyberpunk genre. They gorgeously reference games like Cyberpunk 2077 and films and books like Bladerunner.
What we like about them

These sneakers have a gorgeous look. The elements and details used to infer the cyberpunk theme are stunning, from the weathering to the illusion of light within the sneakers.
These sneakers are a testament to what can be achieved with artistic talent. They gorgeously represent the sci-fi-futuristic theme. They are perfect for fans of the genre and the many games, books, and works set in it.
What do you think of these Cyberpunk Adidas Crazy IIInfinity sneakers?